About this project

This is a version of the classic Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Hal Abelson and Jerry & Julie Sussman, revised with code examples in Clojure instead of the original Scheme.

The original text is licensed under a Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license (so this site is too). If you successfully complete all the exercises, Peter Norvig will send you a free wizard hat.

The code samples and chapter text are available on GitHub, so you can contribute to the project yourself. If you see an example that could be improved, want to add a footnote or aside about Clojure, or want to jump in and edit one of the uncompleted chapters, please make a fix and submit a pull request. Guidelines for editing the source text are posted here. I'm a newcomer to Clojure (the static site generator that powers this site is my first real project), so I hope more experienced Clojurists will help out. I'll be posting chapters bird by bird as I work through SICP myself, so it might be a while before the whole book is finished.

Behind the scenes, this site uses Requirejs, MathJax, Highlight.js, Google Web Fonts, and the Solarized sass template, plus the pegdown markdown processor, Hiccup templates, and the Hickory HTML to Hiccup parser.
